== Planning ==
Planning this test required lots of work on several fields. From space management, working permissions, staff transport, router tweaks and autonomous electrical power system for the Guadalupe node can be counted among all the time invested. Preparing antenna's poles, the design and construction of the electrical autonomous system and software configuration, 15 days were required to fulfill these tasks, with shifts beginning at 9:00 and finishing at 20:00.
Preparing antenna's polesSome weeks prior to the job being described here, there was a failed test attempt between Monserrate Hill and a parking lot placed on the " La Rebeca " zone, still Bogotá Downtown. This attempt was a failure due to permissions being denied by the design Monserrate Cableway authorities, and construction of also the parking lot manager who revoked a previously granted permission to work in the electrical autonomous system cited venue. Considering all these obstacles and software configurationthe appereance of new possibilities (transportation), 15 days were required it was decided to fulfill these tasks, with shifts beginning at 9:00 perform a new test in Guadalupe Hill and finishing at 20:00Torres Blancas complex.
After a site survey involving all Network Bogota team ascending to Guadalupe Hill on July 4th, 2017, they decided to make the link test 3 days after. This date allow more participants to come and help.
[[File:Visitaguadalupe.jpg|thumb|200px|Paying a visit to Guadalupe Hill]]
Tuvo lugar un intento de enlace entre el cerro de Monserrate y un parquedero ubicado en el sector de La Rebeca que se vio frustrado ya que los funcionarios del Teleférico de Monserrate impidieron el ascenso de los equipos a la cima de la montaña, y a su vez el administrador del parqueadero en La Rebeca cambió de opinión y negó la instalación del segundo nodo allí. Considerando los obstáculos descritos y la conjunción de nuevas posibilidades (transporte en vehículo) se optó por el cerro de Guadalupe y el edificio Torres Blancas como lugares para realizar el laboratorio. Luego de una reunión de planificación que incluyó ascenso de todo el equipo de Network Bogotá a Guadalupe el día 4 de Junio de 2017 se decidió realizar el enlace 3 días después, fecha que permitió que se sumaran varios integrantes a la labor.[[File:Visitaguadalupe.jpg|thumb|200px|Visita Guadalupe]] [[File:Gif guadalupe.gif|center|350px|thumb|Proyección de las distancias del enlaceLink projection]]