
Aljibe de Conocimiento

793 bytes añadidos, 16:17 4 abr 2018
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* CNs differ in many aspects but all share the value proposition of reduction of the digital divide in their communities, under a very cost-effective model with the goal of investment cost-recovery and non-exploitation use (not extractive model). This is achieved with different services, usually comprising at least voice calls and Internet access. In one interesting case, given the lack of basic infrastructure, the solar-powered communication network also supports electricity and lighting for node hosts, a very beneficial side effect that becomes an incentive to active participation in the CN.<ref>Navarro, L., Baig, R., Freitag, F.(2017). Report on the Governance Instruments and their Applications to CNs (v2) (Informe de Investigación Nº D1.4).pp.21. Recuperado de</ref>
* In all cases communities have strong bounds with their local environment. They need and count on the support of a range of local key partners, they perform similar key activities and require key resources, with more or less external support. The channels of communication with their participants (typically called customers) are similar in all cases, and the customer relationships are more or less formalized depending on the maturity and scale of the models. The customer segments define the scope and scale of each CN.<ref>Navarro, L., Baig, R., Freitag, F.(2017). Report on the Governance Instruments and their Applications to CNs (v2) (Informe de Investigación Nº D1.4).pp.21. Recuperado de</ref>
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